After having worked for several brands and designers during years, Marisol Estellés founded Hupit, a socially and environmentally conscious and fashion brand 'made in Spain'.
1) When and why did you decide to create a sustainable fashion brand?
Hupit was born in 2017, although it started to take shape before. While I was studying Fashion Design at Parsons I started to feel passionate about the world of sustainability and started working in this field. During my academic training and later in my working experience, I realized about the huge environmental impact the Fashion Industry has and that a lot could be done to improve it. By then I was already vegan and concerned about issues related to the environment and animal suffering. So, all this made me wonder if what I was doing agreed with who I was. I loved Fashion and designing, but I needed to give to it a deeper purpose. I not only wanted to do beautiful clothes but to create fashion that could have a positive impact on the world.

2) How do you think consumers could distinguish between brands that are truly sustainable from those that are just greenwashing?
It is not easy to say, as there are many brands that use a large part of their budget for this type of marketing practice. But it is easy to distinguish when you look into the history and philosophy of a brand, if the brand is transparent and facilitates information about where they produce, the fabrics they use, etc. Something else to take into consideration is coherence, if what the brand "advertise" is what they are really applying in their policies.
3) How can you see the future of Fashion? Do you think a real change is possible?
Yes, I think a real change within the fashion industry is possible. There is already more and more people conscientious about sustainable fashion, even if they are still few, but I believe there will be more and more. Maybe we will not have a perfect industry as there will always be aspects to improve, but I believe that positive changes will be made.

Marisol Estellés, Founder of Hupit
4) Which have been the challenges that you have had to face when creating sustainable fashion?
On one hand I would say that it has been difficult to find fabrics with the characteristics and variety we look for. On the other, I believe what is most difficult is to be competitive. To create a brand that is truly based on sustainabiniity (that manufactures in Spain, that is concerned about overproduction and waste, that verifies that the fabrics have certifications and they are made in Europe, etc.) while also being competitive within the market is a real challange.
5) What do you like most of Canussa?
I love Canussa’s vegan and sustainable philosophy, the quality of its products and their practicality. Canussa designs models that are very practical but elegant at the same time, so they can be used every day without one getting tired of them, just like the versatility and timeless that you are seeking at Hupit